Output Formats

Packem allows outputting bundles to multiple formats. A format is essentially an API/runtime-compliant version of the same bundled code like IIFE, ESM, CommonJS, UMD, SystemJS, etc.


  • Packem currently supports CommonJS and IIFE only.
  • When using the development tools, you can only output to the IIFE format.

Packem uses the serializer to pipe bundles into seperate runtimes once they are transformed so bundles remain uniform to the cycle in the sense that each format doesn’t need its own module graph. This abstraction doesn’t prevent the resolver from mangling imports except in the case of CommonJS and ElectronEnv.

Formats Aliases

Since writing formats with their original names might cause clashes as far as naming semantics is concerned, Packem forces your output formats that exhibit an alias. These aliases are permanent and are bound not to break. Additionally, they are all in lowercase.

  • cjs - CommonJS output format.
  • iife - IIFE format.